Cash Flow & Budgeting
Controlling your Cash Flow is key to success, no matter how much you make.
We help map out your cash flow, make sense of it, and make the most of opportunities.
Which one sounds like you?
You make plenty of money, in theory you should have some left over, but some how it always ends up disappearing…How does this happen?
“We’re high earners, but there never seems to be much left at the end of the month. Where is the money going?”
Uncover where the money is actually going and where are better places to put it to drive you to your personal vision.
You’re probably wonder where all your money goes.
Making a lot of money can be freeing, almost euphoric at times. But there is a big difference between making a lot of money and keeping it and putting it to work in the best way possible.
How we help: let’s get a grasp for the lifestyle you want to live and design a spending plan you can live with, after that we will ask:
Does this line up with your long term vision?
What items might change? By how much?
After that, we will track expenses and point out differences between your spending and your spending plan, especially if “one time items/expenses” seem to keep happening over and over.
Your income is “lumpy” or not every paycheck is the same, how do you handle and plan for the ups and downs in pay?
“I have good and bad years, I need to know what I can spend and what I need to save & invest no matter what kind of year I’m having.”
Having a cash flow plan will help you prioritize to put your first dollar to work most effectively for you.
Being a business owner or paid on commission can be lucrative when times are good, but a time of lower earnings paired with little to no planning can leave you penniless or worried about your future.
How we help: we help you map out your expenses and income…realistically…and design a very clear step-by-step plan for you to save while times are good.